TC375TB (PVT-375BT Replacement)TC375TB (PVT-375BT Replacement)TC375TB (PVT-375BT Replacement)TC375TB (PVT-375BT Replacement)

Model number: TC375TB

Product & Service:Replacement Probe

Specification:1-6 MHz Convex

Corresponding OEM Brand:Canon-Toshiba

Corresponding OEM Model:PVT-375BT

Compatible System:Aplio  Series

Taiwan Certificate:FSC

EU Certificate: CE 0197 (Meet the legal extension of validity as the MDR)

Certificate of Management System
Approval 93/42/EEC
ISO 13485
EN ISO 9001
The data of BROADSOUND in TUV Rheinland website

Certificate of Products
The data of BROADSOUND in TUV Rheinland website

Customer Feedback:

"Our client is happy with the quality of your probe[TC375TB]......"

-Satisfied customer from Italy


Broadsound probes [TC375TB] are very good, is really working properly. No problem. So, Again I would like to buy some Broadsound probes.  "

-Satisfied customer from Turkey



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Instruction for Use
Broadsound TC375TB is the replacement Ultrasound transducer of Toshiba PVT-375BT