LIVE-DEMO open for appointment! Spun-off from the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Taiwan, R.O.C. in 2002, Broadsound has been dedicated to providing total solutions for the ultrasound transducer aftermarket and we have earned a reputation for professional excellence in providing high-quality product and attentive service. We pride ourselves on being our client’s dependable partner and their first call whenever they need technical support. As more and more clients inquire about professional ultrasound transducer analysis systems, we have re-developed and optimized our specialty acoustic measurement instrument, which we have been using for years, and we launched ProCheck SC5 UTAS for diagnostic ultrasound transducers featuring our own patented algorithm to ensure authentic test data and efficient test procedures, and it has an intuitive application with user-friendly interfaces and provide selective review options for easier evaluation. ProCheck SC5 is expandable and customizable, and we do provide continuous support after purchase. Over the years, we have developed 15 models of adaptors that are applicable for testing 334+ models of ultrasound transducers from 14 leading brands and those numbers keep growing. Click here to watch the introduction video of ProCheck SC5. Or, contact us for FREE live-demo meeting with our knowledgeable team!